"Trace," by Archer Mayor, is the selection for the next meeting of the WCA Members Book Group at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 15. The book is a mystery set in Albany.
For more information, contact Linda Wagner .

Note: Archie Mayor will be a guest of the NYS Writers Institute on March 27 for two events that are open to the public.
Mayor will discuss the art of mystery writing at 4:15 p.m. in the Standish Room of the Science Library on the uptown campus of the University at Albany.
He will join Rabi Musah, UAlbany professor of chemistry, for “Corpses, Blow Flies and Post-Mortem Forensics” at 7:30 p.m. in the D’Ambria Auditorium of the Life Sciences Research Building, also on the main campus.
For more information, contact the Writers Institute