Pillar #6

Tulip Festival

The WCA was invited to participate in the inaugural Tulip Festival in 1949 and two years later was asked to take charge of it. The Tulip Festival later expanded to a three-day event under the Club’s leadership. The WCA encouraged Albany residents to grow many varieties of tulips in their home gardens. The Club also sponsored a flower show with classes in artistic arrangement, horticulture and table settings. 

Tidbits from 1948

Club gets involved in Inaugural Tulip Festival and by 1951 is asked to be in charge of it.

Tidbits from 1963

The Tulip Festival expands to three-day event under the club's leadership.

Tidbits from 1966

Begins a front yard tulip-planting awards program.

Excerpt from "Clubwomen Outline Tulip Drive," Sept. 19, 1954

Plans for the Women's [sic] Club of Albany campaign to urge Albanys [sic] residents to grow tulips in their yards for next year's Tulip Festival were outlined at a club meeting attended by about 100 members last night. 

Mrs. J. Francis Purdy, club president, explained the campaign and appointed Mrs. Aden L. Gokay as chairman of a committee to carry it out. ... Club members will distribute booklets on how to plant tulips. 

Mayor Corning today commended the club for its efforts and urged factories and industrial plants to assist in a city-wide project. He said: "I was delighted when informed the Women's [sic] Club of Albany has organized a committee to encourage planting of tulip bulbs in front yards. ... It has been interesting to watch the increase in the number of front yards with tulips each year. Now we have a concentrated effort for a citywide display of tulips, with prizes for the most colorful display."

Below, Mayor Corning attends the opening of the Tulip Festival Flower Show in 1960. 

Tulipfest Court at the WCA 1997

The Woman's Club of Albany

725 Madison Avenue • Albany • New York • 12208



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