Annual Garage Sale

  • October 05, 2018
  • 9:00 AM
  • October 06, 2018
  • 3:00 PM
  • The Woman's Club of Albany

Wanted: Items for Our Garage Sale

If you're cleaning closets, drawers, garages, basements and attics, be sure to save usable items for the WCA's annual Garage Sale on Oct. 5th and 6th.

  This community service event raised about $1,800 for the WCA last year and helped several of our community partners.  Art supplies were donated to an art teacher for her classes at the Albany Public Library and to St. Anne Institute for student projects.  Grassroot Givers received items to help people in need furnish apartments and the Damien Center received the "leftovers" to sell in its thrift store. 

Accepted items: Furniture, sports equipment, bikes, antiques, glassware, dishes, small appliances, books, toys, children's books, baby furniture, children's clothing, car seats, antique and costume jewelry, holiday decorations, linens, lace tablecloths, bedding, purses, scarves, tools, rugs, and collectibles.  

Not accepted: Skis, exercise equipment and computers.

All items should be clean and in good working condition. No junk.

Because of lack of storage space,

all items have to be dropped off on Oct 3 or 4.

The Woman's Club of Albany

725 Madison Avenue • Albany • New York • 12208


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