Member Monday

  • March 25, 2019
  • 6:00 PM
  • The Woman's Club of Albany

Member Monday -- March 25

Please join us as we celebrate St. Patrick's Day --

and vote on a change to our By-Laws (reminder - you must be current with dues to vote.)

                                                                  Image result for image of irish flag

Elizabeth Stack, executive director of the Irish American Heritage Museum in Albany, will discuss the museum and the history of Irish women in the Albany area. 

6 p.m. -- Happy Half Hour - and member vote of by-law changes *see below

6:30 p.m. -- Potluck Supper - bring your favorite pot luck recipe, dessert or a bottle of wine. 

7 p.m.  -- Club announcements - "From the Ground Up" History Minute with Pam Burns

                 and presentation from Elizabeth Stack


Please Remember to bring your donations to the

Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York

Donate to the collection of personal care items for the Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York. Our emphasis is on personal feminine hygiene items because they can't be purchased with SNAP (food stamp) assistance. Bring your items to the WCA no later than March Member Monday.

Regional Food Bank of Northeastern New York

The Woman's Club of Albany

725 Madison Avenue • Albany • New York • 12208


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