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The Woman's Club of Albany

Member Monday

  • June 24, 2019
  • 6:00 PM
  • The Woman's Club of Albany

The Last Member Monday Before Summer

Time to Vote for New Board Members 

It's a Summer Picnic. The Board will provide the sandwiches and you are invited to bring your favorite salad to share at our potluck.

During the business part of the meeting, we'll vote for new Board members. Check your email for a special election notice coming soon.

Then we'll  hear from a staff member with the Troy YWCA BraVa program, sponsored by the YWCA of the Greater Capital Region. Bras donated by community members are provided at no cost to women and girls who live at the Y or who are in need throughout the Capital Region.

WCA members are asked to bring new bras with the tags on them to 2sDay on the Porch on June 11 and June 25.

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