Come see our own thespian Maryhelen Lounello at Curtain Call Theatre!
Thursday , May 12th at 7:30- 1 Jeanne Jugan Lane, Latham, NY 12110
Tickets are $30 and are available at the box office at (518) 877-7529. Please obtain your own tickets! Everyone is welcome!
(REGISTER on the website to that we know to meet you....but reserve your tickets at the BOX OFFICE.)
Here’s what the play is about:
LONG LOST by David Margulies
When troubled Billy suddenly appears and tries to reinsert himself into the comfortable life his brother David has built with his philanthropist wife and college-age son, how much can family bonds smooth over past rifts? A riveting work from this Pulitzer- Prize winning dramatist.
Contact Us:
725 Madison Avenue Albany, NY 12208
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