United in Service to Our Community Since 1910
2sDay in the Parlor
March 7 -- 6:30 p.m.
They say March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Come get roaring with your friends at the WCA!
Bring a nip or a nosh to share and bring your best lion roar to scare away Winter and bring on Spring! (Big lion's mane hair is not required!)
Have a fun theme for a 2sDay in the Parlor? Contact the Membership Committee chairs to find out how you can bring it to life in our parlor!
Please remember to bring empty plastic jugs that the Community Service Committee is collecting for the Vegetable Project in Albany schools. Not coming to 2sDay in the Parlor? Contact Joann Crupi for pick up.
The Woman's Club of Albany
725 Madison Avenue • Albany • New York • 12208