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The Woman's Club of Albany

POSTPONED, date TBA - Self-Publishing 101

  • November 17, 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM
  • Via ZOOM


  • Self-Publishing 101
    Nov. 17, 12-12:45 p.m. on Zoom
    Finished your memoir and ready to share? Need a way to stay motivated as you write your novel? Let this webinar be your light at the end of the tunnel as you learn about one option for sharing your work with the world. WCA member Christine Souza will walk participants through the basics of self-publishing on Amazon in this “Lunch and Learn” Zoom. A Q&A session follows the presentation. Register on the website to receive the Zoom link.

    This event is free and open to the public. As a member benefit, a recording will be made available to WCA members by logging onto the website.

Self-Publishing 101 -- POSTPONED, date TBA

Nov. 17, 12-12:45 p.m. on Zoom

Finished your memoir and ready to share? Need a way to stay motivated as you write your novel? Let this webinar be your light at the end of the tunnel as you learn about one option for sharing your work with the world. WCA member Christine Souza will walk participants through the basics of self-publishing on Amazon in this “Lunch and Learn” Zoom. A Q&A session follows the presentation. Register HERE to receive the Zoom link.

This event is free and open to the public. As a member benefit, a recording will be made available to WCA members by logging onto the website.

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