United in Service to Our Community Since 1910

(Detail of Porch Chandelier)


We Can't Do It Without You!

Thanks to the generosity of our members and friends and with a healthy infusion of grants from foundations and New York State government, The Woman’s Club of Albany has made great strides as caretaker and steward of an irreplaceable resource in need of extensive restoration and repair. With your continued support, we have embarked on an ambitious undertaking to restore and repair our 1895 home according to historic preservation standards. 

Progress to Date

Our first efforts were to shore up the first floor under the dining room and back parlor, complete major roof repairs and rehabilitate the second-floor ballroom, using original historic details.

In 2012, we completed a project essential to the structural survival of the house, restoration of the West Bay, including major repairs of the tall stained-glass windows.  A first-floor restroom was added as the first phase of our accessibility renovations.

Restoration of the crumbling back porch was completed in 2015.

Extensive plaster repairs and painting in the front and back parlors, butler’s pantry and office were done in 2019.

During 2020-23, the front porch was rebuilt. Accessibility ramps were added at the driveway and front entrance. The porch lighting fixture, original to the house, was restored and rehung. Additional lighting will be installed along the driveway ramp.

The WCA is indebted to the supporters whose generosity has made all these projects possible, including members, friends, the Bender Family Foundation, the Impact Grant Program of the Community Foundation of the Greater Capital Region, an Environmental Protection Fund Historic Property Preservation Grant and a grant funded through the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York.


High on our priority list are restoring the front porch pillars and improving the driveway.

The side entrance under the porte-cochere needs significant work.

Inside the house, damage to the antique parquet floors, woodwork, hardware, decorative windowpanes and lighting fixtures on the first floor must be addressed.


Please join our restoration effort with a gift that will help realize our dream of repairing the WCA’s home and making it accessible to everyone. 

You can make a one-time gift or multi-year pledge to provide ongoing, predictable support.

If you have any questions about the restoration, contact the club at

The Woman's Club of Albany is a not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation supported entirely by private funds. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

The Woman's Club of Albany

725 Madison Avenue • Albany • New York • 12208


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